Saturday, March 22, 2008


Postings have been few and far between this last week. There are two reasons for this.

Firstly, I've been working stupid o'clock early shifts and have been soooo tired by the time I've arrived back at Millbrooker Towers that the very idea of writing reams of drivel has been unappealing. Yes, unbelievably I usually write this stuff during periods of relative mental agility.

Secondly my trusty old laptop is a bit poorly at the moment. I have to admit that the problem was caused by me messing about with stuff of which I don't have sufficient knowledge. I think the steam turbine has a minor cog missing (or something) so the reliability quotient has gone down somewhat (a bit like the company I work for). So instead of sitting and pouring out stream-of-consciousness nonsense, I've been battling to get the dear old thing back into some vague semblance of working order. I think at least one or two bits of firebox are now cleared so I can once again communicate with the outside world...

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