Saturday, November 08, 2008

Firework Frolics

Right, after a couple of days' hiatus (partly thanks to Demon and a dodgy broadband connection), I can blether on for a minute or two about the jolly fine time had by all at Shazzerooneypoos' precipitous abode.

Dong and the Little Lush One kindly asked us up to watch Millbrook's gunpowder based shenanigans from the terrace which offers a grand view in almost all directions.

But, first things first, a small libation and a wee snackette:

Followers of the short series "Less of the Millbrooker" on these pages will be pleased to know that whilst the diet was well and truly busted, we had able assistance in clearing the grub from Dong's young lad, J.Edgar, and his mates so I didn't have to do the trencherman act to too great a degree.

Here's J.Edgar (work it out for yourselves) alongside one of his chums about to indulge in his favourite pastime. Note smart new barnet and closely scraped chin:Our first sighting of fireworks was an unexpected, and quite stunning, show from HMS Raleigh in the distance. Sufficiently distant that it probably wasn't worth taking this shot:

A few roast potatoes and sausages later someone on New Road started up a more than passable display as they burned a month's salary in memory of dear , dear Guido (where are you when your country needs you?):
Sometime after eight (by then the small libation had become several small libations, so the time keeping got a bit hazy), Millbrook Footie Club sent their little man out to run around lighting things and making explosions. I had a touch of camera shake, it was dark and I'd poured several very nice drops of red down my gullet so, this was the best I came up with:Mrs The Millbrooker wielded her camera so that we could show who was there - L-R we have James, Dong, Jack, J.Edgar, Shazzerooneypoos and yours truly attempting to photograph odd flashes of light in the distance. A note for inexperienced Shazzerooneypoos spotters - identification of this tiny species is aided if you note the relative heights of normally sized people and Little Lushes who wear purple fleeces:So, enough photos of a very dark Millbrook; the party continued after J.Edgar and friends left to do whatever it is teenagers do these days. I feel, though that I should share with the public at large just how much food they left in their wake from the generous spread laid on by Dong and his very small paramour. This is it - nothing else left at all; how did J.Edgar get his name?Mulled wine was prepped and proffered by the ever attentive mein host, thus proving that winter is indeed arriving amongst us and much bonhomie in one another's abodes is de rigeur to stave off the cold.

Many thanks to Dong'n'Shaz for having us around - we enjoyed ourselves hugely. Dong is, I believe, off to practice his peculiar trade this weekend, so we'll miss him at film club. Shazzerooneypoos is coming around, though, so I can expect a a good boxed ear for being so rude about her height (if she can reach).

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