Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Last minute present idea

Should you find yourself one present short of a Christmas and your bank account a pound short of solvency, here's a quick and easy jobber to bake (honestly any idiot can do it - I did) and give away as a yummity present.

Takes minutes; it tastes lovely. And if you're feeling particularly inventive, you can made rude shaped biscuits with which to surprise your wife using any off-cuts (honestly any idiot can do it - I did).I can't claim any originality in this recipe; it was a give-away from a well known small supermarket in the dismal grey smudge on the landscape that is Torpoint, but that doesn't make it any less easy or yummy.

Honey, Ginger and Lemon Biccies

Soften up 125g of butter (the microwave will do this job fine - just don't go too far and melt it).
Chuck 150g of caster sugar onto the softened butter and whisk it all together until it's nice and smooth and pale coloured.
Add a couple of generous tablespoons of honey (just how sweet is your tooth?)
Plop a couple of teaspoons of
ground ginger onto the top.
Add the grated rind of a lemon and 50g of raisins.
Mix well.
Mix in 225g plain white flour and keep going until you
get a decent doughy texture.
That'll be dough, then.

Roll out the dough to about half a cm thick and cut biscuit shapes out of it; or just model whatever shape comes to mind using your hands. Who are you going to give this to? If it's the love of your life and step-children and you live in Millbrooker Towers, then a large three dimensional willy with detachable scrotum is probably acceptable. If it's your Great Aunt Agatha, a floral design might be deemed more appropriate.

Arrange whatever shaped biccies you've created onto a greased baking tray and stick into a ready-warmed oven at Gas 4 (180C/350F) for between 15 and 20 minutes (until they're golden brown).

Allow to cool for a few minutes then put the biccies onto a cooling rack to cool completely.

That's it. The wrapping and packaging is up to you; I can't think of everything, you know.

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