Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cousin Dave's Snow Birds

It's been a while since Cousin Dave made an appearance on these pages. He's not going to appear in person in this posting either, but some of his latest art works are.

Cousin Dave is a talented fellow, specialising in warm glass sculpture - some of which is almost monumental in scale. Some smaller (and more affordable) pieces adorn several mantelpieces in Millbrook (notably Shazzerooneypoos amongst others).
Cousin Dave rang me today in a state of high excitement (is he ever in any other sort of state?) about his latest pieces which are deliberately temporary in nature. And not at all silly.

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed and astounded by Cousin Dave's Snow Bird Project.
Cousin Dave is available for garden based Snow Bird projects next time there's snow within an easy distance of his Plymothian abode - you only have to call. Cousin Dave can mould most species according to requirements, but specialises in gulls (immediately above) and kiwis (middle). The robins and blackbirds in the top photo were early experimental pieces and should be largely disregarded.

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