Monday, March 07, 2011

The Debut at Ashtorre Rock

Well, Saturday evening arrived with a certain inevitability. It has a tendency to turn up shortly after Saturday afternoon most weeks.

Saturday evening brought with it the mildly dreaded debut performance of my monologue-with-music "I Am Knocker" at the rather charming venue of Ashtorre Rock below the Royal Albert Bridge at Saltash. The building in the shot above is the place.

The line cramming had mostly worked and I was able to put on a bit of show to the assembled 50-odd diners who were gathered to celebrate both the building's birthday and St Piran's Day.

We began with a ramble over how I, as Knocker, came to be a bit larger than a knocker would usually be and followed it with a tune on the melodeon before retreating backstage to let the audience eat their smoked mackerel pate in peace.

This is Wrichard Wrecker and yours truly taking a breather between scenes. 
The second segment was a quick, specially written, and probably never-to-be-repeated ode to the delights of the Cornish pasty heralding said foodstuff being "piped" into the room in the manner of a haggis on Burns' night. Except we had a melodeon, not a set of bagpipes.

The shameful truth is that I don't actually like pasties very much - but hey, I'm only an actor; I just need to look enthusiastic not be enthusiastic.

Another break backstage whilst the main course was devoured, and then the long section that I hadn't had time to learn - I didn't like having to read a script in public, but it was all I could do. The diners, I'm pleased to say, were very forgiving and listened quietly to the stories I read. Thank you, diners.

After Wrichard and me doing our stuff, the Wreckers did theirs with a really good, tight display of dancing in the upper hall. Well done, Wreckers.

Now - I just have to write another 45 minutes of script, learn a few songs properly, arrange for some scenery and lighting and it'll be a proper job. Sometime next year, then.

photo of Ashtorre Rock shamelessly nicked from
Backstage photos by the rather marvellous photographer Tony Smith of the Hunrosa Studio in Liskeard, whom I was lucky enough to meet at the performance. Thanks for the photos, Tony.

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