Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Away to the West

Well, a bit to the west. The lovely wee village of Duloe to be precise, although as it was dark both when we arrived and when we left, its loveliness has to remain a distant memory from visits past.

Long standing readers might remember that Duloe is home to Rosemary. It is now also home to Jess, Rosemary's grand-daughter who is staying in Cornwall having decided to complete her education in this country of ours.

This is Jess - say "hello", everybody.
Jess is the one on the left. Also featured in the shot above are our very own Dozybean and Jah Cousteau. It might be noted that young Jess is looking particularly amused, possibly even enthralled.

This will be because her old boy Steve was also over from Canada. Steve and I share a common interest. He's infinitely better than me, but we had a good time entertaining the young folk with all sorts of tunes that might have become buttock-clenchingly familiar from over-use at occasions exactly like this one.
Ah yes, I fear that Whiskey in the Jar, Tell Me Ma and a dozen other easy-to-play sing-a-longs got an airing.  Some rather more complicated stuff was tinkled from Steve's guitar and Mrs The Millbrooker was in fine voice for Let It Be. All good fun.

The sharper-eyed (and literate) amongst you will have noted Dozybean's presence, this meant that we also had the pleasure of NooNoo's company. He was fascinated by the music making, to the extent of completely ignoring it and bashing toys and games about instead. Well done him, I say.
An audience to dream of. Or something.

As we were at Rosemary's it almost goes without saying that a delicious meal was plopped in front of us and the diet was declared "off" for the evening. I've been good since, though. With the exception of another couple of familial calorific slip-ups - but that's another story.

A big thank you to Rosemary for hosting us and to everyone for putting up with a pair of middle-aged blokes making a noise from one end of the room.

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