Sunday, February 10, 2013

Movin' On

There comes a time in everyone's life when the grass on the other side of the fence acquires a deeper green hue than the tussocked old weed bed on our own side.

And so it became only a few short weeks ago for the Wizzers of Soz and MinorEarthQwake who looked earthwards and saw not lush emerald pastures but plantain and dandelions beneath their feet.

On the other side of the fence, though, was a life together in a nice new flat in the Cornish nation's capital city (or in Cornwall's county town, if you're not much of a nationalist) and lo! the metaphorical grass within the apartment, and all over the city of Truro, was deep and positively glowing with verdant possibilities.

Which brings me to Mrs The Millbrooker's long few days of driving to Surrey to pack many of Wizzers' belongings into our little pink toaster of a car and then heading to Truro yesterday for the final depositing of young persona and detritus into the new home.

And so it was that the Wizzers of Soz, no longer being of Soz but of Truro, had to have a name change; ladies and germs here is Betty Slobb in her new abode.

Betty and MinorEarthQwake now have what might described by estate agents as an exciting view of the cathedral from their living room window.

Much needs doing by way of readying the home for comfortable habitation, MinorEarthQwake proved a dab hand at Heath-Robinsoning some curtains.

Needless to say, the occasion required toasting in the traditional manner. Luckily Mrs The Millbrooker and I had thought of supplying the necessary liquid and only a few minutes before this photo had been taken Betty Slobb and MinorEarthQwake had got hold of some glasses from a local charity shop.

Meanwhile, some more sorting out awaited the attention of the young people.

But that was to be for the morrow. A quick trog along the road brought us to the reliable old Wetherspoons eatery where a jolly good slap-up was devoured after the day's labours.

Mrs The Millbrooker and I made our way the fifty(ish) miles homeward, leaving the young couple to carry on making their own nest.

I'm sure everyone will join me in wishing them every success and happiness in their adventure - and welcome back to Kernow, Betty!

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