Thursday, August 16, 2007

I think it runs in the family

The regular reader will know that Millbrooker Towers is currently all-but roofless as we take advantage of the glorious summer weather to have much needed work done to avoid embarrassing leakage this winter.

Unable to reach as high as a roof (or probably a ceiling, for that matter), Dozybean and EarMatt have decided to take up the kitchen floor at their wee abode in Plymouth so they can have a brand new kitchen with all new white goodies and stuff whenever EarMatt manages to finish the mammoth task of having something to stand on.

As today was a slightly shorter than average working day, Mrs The Millbrooker and I took the opportunity to drop in for a cuppa with her first-born child and inspect the building works. The building works were most impressive, but I preferred the cuppa. DIY isn't really my thing, much to any sane person's relief. Although I did fancy a go on EarMatt's Kango; an ambition that was quickly thwarted by a resounding "no" from Mrs The Millbrooker and Dozybean in almost perfect two part harmony. Bah.

I'm pleased to report that Dozybean likes my "weemee" cartoon character who now appears on the right of this blog, occasionally sporting different togs. He's the product of being arse-clenchingly brain-dead whilst having access to the interweb and nothing very important to do.

I'm also able to report that EarMatt's sitting room is now doubling as a kitchen and the young pair of whippersnappers are largely living off whatever they can microwave and sundry take-away thingies. I think they're coming around soon for a proper meal.

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