Sunday, August 05, 2007

Slightly sqiffy at the D&C

With the week's labours finally completed and having escaped from Plymouth station until Monday yours truly was in the mood for a pint or two of Russell & Mark's lovely ale last night.

A quick phone call to Auntie Shazzer confirmed that she fancied an brief slurping session as well, so Mrs The Millbrooker and I took the short walk to go and see Millbrook's most genial hosts and partake of their cask marqued fare. Mark was most anxious as I took the photo that I avoid showing his self proclaimed double chin, so I'm making a special effort not to draw any attention to it whatsoever.

Our tankards have now taken up residence on the shelf above the bar which means everyone who works there gets to handle my knob on a frequent basis, hooray!

Sandie and her slightly inebriated other half, Peter were in deep and meaningless conversation with Tony and Beverley as we arrived and Shazzerooneypoos was likewise engaged with Bulldog.
Peter decided I was probably his best mate ever (I have strong grounds for suspicion that the beer was doing most of the talking) because I used to ride a motorbike and now I've got a white stick; I think he was trying to show empathy and he was most jovial. The long-suffering Sandie kept trying to make him go home and eventually succeeded somewhere around closing time.

We repaired back to Millbrooker Towers for a nightcap which turned into a more of a nightstetson, oops. Four pints of Betty Stog's followed by the better part of half a bottle of decent port might not have been the best recipe for any form of sober discussion. Nicky was quite a bit more circumspect in her quaffing, so I expect I got looked after a bit.

Rumour (quite a strong rumour) has it that The Heart In Hand is about to change hands and will start to offer decent ale on tap after a significant tarting up of the premises. As a punter, all I can say is yippee! I reckon I'm rapidly turning into a dyed-in-the-wool D&C-ite and I've always been a bit of a creature of habit, but the prospect of another good drinking hole in the village can only be a good thing. Remember you read it here first (although you probably heard about it ages ago).

Right, time for performing all the household tasks that fill what we laughingly call a "rest day".

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