Dong and Shazzerooneypoos hadn't seen it before, but having been acquainted in their respective youths with various options for getting off your head understood the humour and enjoyed losing their Withnail virginities.
I'll concentrate instead on the unusual falling over juice that Dong brought for our delectation, shown in the headline photo. Red wine made in our own fair county. It packs a hefty 14.5%ABV (Withnail would have approved).
I rather liked the stuff; it's very sweet, almost sherry like (quite closely resembling a Pineau aperitif), and would probably benefit from an hour or so in the 'fridge before guzzling. Mrs The Millbrooker and I polished off most of the bottle. Dong moved rapidly onto some fairly decent Cotes du Rhone after his first glass of Cornish Piskie Red. It's on sale at the Millbrook Co-op and if you like your tipple a bit on the sweet side you should enjoy it. Not to mention that it's always a good thing to support your local producers.
Amongst Dong's other offerings on Sunday were some chocolate teddies. Is he, perhaps, regressing? See how the teddy waves from next to a glass of Cornish Piskie Red.
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