Last year, many of you will remember was a bit of a wash out; cue delighted smiles as the sun shone for most of the day whilst the men and women who dance the Morris did their stuff to banish the winter from our shores and welcome in the summer.
Here's another magnificent titfer, this time on the bonce of one of our one local Morris-Dancers-With-Attitude, The Wreckers.
The Wreckers did their thing with gusto throughout the day, reaching a loud (and messy) crescendo as they did their famed Tankard Dance (with full tankards) in Cawsand Square just before The Black Prince was ceremonially launched into the bay by some ratings from HMS Raleigh who gamely wetted their Number One uniforms in aid of Cornish tradition.
In typical Cornish style, the sun refused steadfastly to shine at the most important moment (ie when Black Prince sails into the bay taking winter with it and allowing summer in) and we got a spattering of rain. Ah well, it's been lovely weather since so the magic worked in the end.
A great day - hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.
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