Thursday, July 10, 2008

Insight Radio

I'd never heard of this radio station until this morning, but I've had a comment to the blog from a fellow called Simon Pauley who's a presenter / producer / musician on Insight Radio; he liked the stuff I put out about riding a tandem and asked if I'd get in touch.

Here's Simon doing his stuff in a photo that I've stolen without a second thought from the Insight Radio website:

Leastaways, I've called. He's calling back. I wonder what adventures this will all lead to? I'm happily imagining the tap on the shoulder and the words "arise Sir The Millbrooker" as I receive global recognition for services to broadcasting. Or something.

In the meantime, you can find the station at and you can listen to what they get up to by clicking at the top of the page where it says "Click Here to Listen Now Online". You can tell I spend my working life giving instructions to railway passengers, can't you? You know - make it very very simple and then simplify it again.

I believe it's possible to listen on FM, but only if you happen to live in Glasgow, so Millbrookians will need to use the old computer.

Now - what on earth did Simon Pauley tap into Google to find me, or has he been a secret Daily(ish) Millbrook afficionado since inception? Bate your breath, all will be revealed once I know.

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