Should anyone want to listen to Simon's expertly edited version of my endless witterings you can tune in (turn on, drop out...) on Friday morning at just a shade before 10:10 when you'll get my dulcet tones for ten minutes or so. This time lots of Daily(ish) Millbrook favourites get a mention, including The Sump (cos he went in the water as well), Dong, Shazzerooneypoos and Liability all get a brief look in.
You can find Insight Radio simply by clicking here.
Or by typing http://www.insightradio.co.uk/ into your web browser.
Should you be one of those odd people who insist on paying Rupert Murdoch some of your hard-earned, you can tune into SKY channel 0188.
Should you have neither the time nor the inclination to listen as it's broadcast, I will get an MP3 copy sometime soon which I'll get up onto the interweb as quickly as I can. Which, of course, you can also completely ignore if such is your wont.
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