Doybean and YarMatt are making use of the Millbrooker Towers sleeping accommodation so Dozy can go to see Freshly Squeezed at Maker with The Wizzers of Soz.
As a precursor to this visitation Dozybean rang last night to say we shouldn't prepare any special "stupid" food for her. We've been making separate "stupid vegetarian" meals for close on seven years now (she was around 15 when she announced that farming animals was cruel and she didn't approve of it).
It seems, though that Dozybean has had a Saul-like Damascene moment, resulting in us witnessing her first gobfull of dead thing for simply eons.
So, an entire family of omnivores once again; never thought I'd see the day.
A little note to outraged vegetarians - the label "stupid vegetarian" is a term of endearment at Millbrooker Towers, originally coined by Grandma Elin in potentially embarrassing circumstances, which Dozybean both endorsed and embraced. So no snotty comments just because you won't eat a nice steak or bit of pig.
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