Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Christmas Story in Millbrook (Part the Third and Fourth)

So, Boxing Day (or rather Sunday 26th December) came and went. And then Boxing Day happened again - seeing as Monday 27th was the first weekday after Christmas Day, it was Boxing Day proper despite being almost universally not recognised as such by the general population.

Millbrooker Towers was, by now, a house of plague with two out of three full time inhabitants (Mrs The Millbrooker and me) having an unhealthy time of it (my eye is still not working and Mrs The Millbrooker's tummy is working very very well). Add to this a Wizzers of Soz with digestive problems and a Dozybean with 'flu and you'll get the general idea.

NooNoo required entertaining as his mummy groaned to herself abed. Nana stepped up to the plate and NooNoo was occupied  by (amongst other things) a DVD of the Mr Men. Note look of fascination on Mrs The Millbrooker's physog at the intellectual fare on offer from Roger Hargreaves' most famed creation.
A bit later daddy YarMatt dropped around and seemed pleased to receive his hamper of home made goodies.
Film Club gathered at the normal time that evening (7:30 in the pm, or 7:50 in the pm for Slocombe) and Mel Brookes' ridiculous and very funny romp Silent Movie was pretty much enjoyed by all. No photos exist of this bit of the day, you'll just have to believe me.

And so came Wednesday and with it came a visit from Rosemary, who managed to avoid being in any photos except a somewhat distant and very fuzzy shot.
Along with Rosemary came a long-absent blogstar, Ukulele Harry. He and I had an grand old time trying to learn each other's repertoire of simple folk and pop songs. We might also have drunk a tad too much Bordeaux.
Since we last met him on these pages, Ukulele Harry has learned how to play songs the whole way through and has established a ukulele band in his home town of Looe as well as teaching the basics of the instrument to local children in the primary school. Excellent work, Harry.

He and I will be messing up numerous tunes together again on New Year's Day - huzzah!

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