Monday, November 14, 2011

Freshly Still Fresh

Last time I saw local boys Freshly Squeezed on stage was so long ago that Ross Toofareye was still lead singer. The current incumbent of that role, Myron,  has been with them for some years now, I believe.

But last night saw the funksters doing their excellent thing at Millbrook Football Club, a relatively rare very local appearance as their renown begins to  deservedly spread. As Millbrook FC is all of a five minute stroll away from Millbrook Towers (or, indeed, from just about anywhere else in Millbrook) it seemed churlish not to take advantage of the opportunity for some delicious live music.

There was support entertainment, too. We missed the first act of break dancing, but the performers further enlivened the already lively Freshly's set with some moves amongst the audience - and my goodness but they were good (young and energetic, too).
But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Before the Freshly guys got onto the stage, Ross Toofareye (look, he gave himself the name - don't blame me), gave us a short set of bottleneck guitar sounds and songs. One day, with an awful lot of practice, I might be almost as good as Ross on six strings. And when I'm not, it won't be for lack of trying.
And finally, the main event hit the stage with these pages' old friend Tooty MacBadass displaying a halo around his wonderful barnet.
The Freshly people play immensely tightly with broad smiles and to an enthusiastic set of followers. My personal music collection contains absolutely none of the style that Freshly play with such verve - funk and scratching etc is simply not something I listen to; live however, and it's a genuine treat when it's played this well.

So thank you, Freshly men, for a great evenings' entertainment - I reckon I'll have to come along again. Only this time perhaps I should make it before you change singer.

As a taster - this is a short video of the band at the Volksfest with MC Vegas (AKA to Daily(ish) MIllbrook readers as Haseem the Genie in Aladdin - see slideshow top right of these pages or click the link) taking some vocals.

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