Sunday, April 14, 2013

April Photos

The latest batch of photo a day challenge from Fat Mum Slim. I have missed a couple of them, but that's life....

Like I said before - it ain't great art, but I am having a lot of fun with the gentle daily creative challenge,

1. Play
(this is the set of the production of King Lear that we saw,
starring Derek Jacobi; a mild cheat as I didn't take the photo on the day but
rummaged around in the archives for it)

2. Blue

3. Something Beginning With A

4. This Happened Today
(The tide went out - happens most days, I believe)

5. Something Good

6. Air
(Where once there was hair, there is now only air)

8. On Your Plate
(I used rhyming slang)

9. Tiny

10. A Place
(dear old Millbrook stars once again)

11. Detail
(the detail of the props list - never embark on a production without checking it!)

12. In The Middle
(the most "likes" I've ever had was for this photo: 29.
My apologies to Stealers Wheel)

13. The View From Your Bed
(this, however is the view from MY bed, not yours.
I doctored the image to simulate the last thing I see as I fall asleep.)

14. Water

That's the lot for now. I'm still keeping up with the challenge; more will follow in due course.

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