Monday, August 27, 2007

An early anniversary

John & Julie Elworthy, fine Millbrookian citizens and jolly good friends are celebrating their silver wedding anniversary a little early. We were lucky enough to get an invitation to their garden party to mark the occasion yesterday and found out whilst we were there that they actually got spliced in November twenty five years ago. Hey, the weather's never going to be up to a garden party in November, so good on them for having us all around in the blazing sunshine.

We were fed to bursting point with all manner of nice nibbles and filled to the brim with a plentiful supply of beer and wine.

Richie "comb-over" Meeson was cajoled into trying the bouncy castle and considered it "very hard work". Lots of people had a go at playing garden Jenga; John & Julie also thoughtfully provided a boules court and equipment.

It seemed that Julie spent most of her time running back and forth from the kitchen keeping the assembled throng supplied with goodies.

Not to be left out of the hard work, John took charge of the barbie and stood manfully by the hot charcoal as menfolk are wont to do. I think John was on clearing up duty; I witnessed several plate clearing manoeuvres accomplished with quiet aplomb.

I reckon the pair of them worked like Trojans to give us all a good time. Thank you to them both.

Julie told me she does read this drivel that I keep putting out into the ether and has sometimes wanted to post comments (normally to tell me I'm being a prat, I believe). This applies to anyone: if you have any trouble using the comments application, just send me an email, usual publication rules apply (see posts passim).

Mrs The Millbrooker was flagging by around the eight thirty - nine o'clock mark and we trogged home happy and a bit tipsy, sadly missing the vaunted profiterole stuffing competition at which I'm sure I'd have failed miserably but would have enjoyed making an unholy mess.

There's a full set of the photos I took at the party available by clicking the link complete photo sets at the top right of the blog. Enjoy.

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