Saturday, June 21, 2008

A quiet beginning

As last night marked the start of Mrs The Millbrooker's birthday weekend, we decided that a bottle of the really good stuff was in order.

After much rummaging under the stairs, a couple of minor swear words as I banged my head in the confined spaces therein and a short discussion over wine selection the 1998 Connetable Talbot was duly breached.

We picked this one up in Brittany a couple of years back; just the one bottle. It was sitting lonely and neglected on a supermarket shelf without even a price tag (memory tells me it was about 17 euros, but don't quote me; a case of the same stuff is currently on sale over the interweb at £230, so it's not wildly expensive but it's hardly in the cheapo plonk bracket either. Anyway, we felt the need to rescue it.

And rescue it we did. It's spent the last two years in the dark and on its side at as close to an even temperature as we can manage here at Millbrooker Towers.

The results were lovely. Mrs The Millbrooker declared it the best wine she's ever had at home (the best ever, of course, being a glass of something from St Emilion over which she gurgled with pleasure during our sojourn to Pickering a while back).

A fine start to what we hope will be a great day.

Happy birthday to Mrs The Millbrooker.


It's Mrs The Sump's birthday today as well, and I know she reads this nonsense; so I'm sure everyone will join me in wishing her many happy returns. Hope you enjoy the day, Mrs The Sump - we're looking forward to seeing you.

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