In the headline shot, we see Depitty Dawg displaying a present from his always thoughtful sis, Dozybean. But what is it she gave him?...
Mrs The Millbrooker made a cake, which the D&C mob kindly stored in the kitchen until the appropriate moment. Sadly, the shot I got of the cake being brought out with candles lit didn't work out (one too many pints, I expect), but here's one of some completely unrelated fellow diners joining in with "Happy Birthday". The chap nearest the camera is Mike Collins, but I don't know anyone else's name in this shot:
Depitty Dawg did his usual disappearing act shortly after shovelling a large and delicious apple pie portion down his neck for pudding; I think he went to watch the fireworks over the Sound with his mates.
Just as a sign off - here's Wriggly Baby being fascinated by his Uncle Bob's (empty) bottle of pear cider, just because it's cute.
A quick catchup, the parachute jump hasn't happened yet due to the dreadful weather we've been suffering. Depitty Dawg has done the training and is just waiting for a gap in the weather so he can fling himself earthwards from a great height in the name of charity. You'll hear all about it here once the great event has taken place!
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